# Stage Model

DB Table Name {wp_db_prefix}_fbs_board_terms
Schema Check Schema
Source File fluent-boards/app/Models/Stage.php
Name Space FluentBoards\App\Models
Class FluentBoards\App\Models\Stage

# Attributes

Attribute Data Type Comment
id INT UNSIGNED Auto Increment Primary key of the term
board_id INT UNSIGNED ID of the board associated with the term
title VARCHAR(100) NULL Title of the stage or label. In case of a label, the title can be null with only a color.
slug VARCHAR(100) NULL Slug of the stage or label
type VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'stage' Type of the term: 'stage' or 'label'
position DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' Position of the stage or label. 1 = first, 2 = second, etc.
color VARCHAR(50) NULL Text color of the stage or label
bg_color VARCHAR(50) NULL Background color of the stage or label
settings TEXT NULLSerialized settings for the term
archived_at TIMESTAMP NULLTimestamp when the term was archived
created_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the term was created
updated_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the term was last updated

# Usage

Please check Model Basic for Common methods.

# Accessing Attributes

$stage = FluentBoards\App\Models\Stage::find(1);

$stage->id; // returns id
$stage->title; // returns title

# Methods

Along with Global Model methods, this model has few helper methods.

# moveToNewPosition($newIndex)

Move the stage to a new position within the board. This method repositions the stage to the specified index within the board. If the new position is already taken, it reindexes the positions of all stages and retries the move operation.

  • Parameters
    • $newIndex numeric
  • Returns array updated stage

# Usage
