# Notification Model

DB Table Name {wp_db_prefix}_fbs_notifications
Schema Check Schema
Source File fluent-boards/app/Models/Notification.php
Name Space FluentBoards\App\Models
Class FluentBoards\App\Models\Notification

# Attributes

Attribute Data Type Comment
id INT UNSIGNED Auto Increment Primary key of the notification
object_id INT UNSIGNED ID of the associated object (e.g., Task ID, Board ID)
object_type VARCHAR(100) Type of the object (e.g., Task, Comment, Board)
task_id INT UNSIGNED NULL ID of the task associated with the notification (if applicable)
action VARCHAR(255) NULL Action performed (e.g., task\_created, priority\_changed)
activity_by BIGINT UNSIGNED ID of the user who performed the action
description LONGTEXT NULL Description of the notification or action
settings TEXT NULL Serialized array for additional settings or metadata
created_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the notification was created
updated_at TIMESTAMP NULL Timestamp when the notification was last updated

# Usage

Please check Model Basic for Common methods.

# Accessing Attributes

$notification = FluentBoards\App\Models\Notification::find(1);

$notification->id; // returns id
$notification->action; // returns action

# Relations

This model has the following relationships that you can use

# activitist

Access the user who triggered the activity

  • return FluentNotifications\App\Models\User Model Collection

# Example:

$activitist = $notification->activitist;

# board

Access the board associated with the notification

  • return FluentNotifications\App\Models\Board Model Collections

# Example:

$board = $notification->board;

# task

Access the task associated with the notification

  • return FluentNotifications\App\Models\Task Model Collections

# Example:

$task = $notification->task;

# users

Access the users associated with the notification

  • return FluentNotifications\App\Models\User Model Collections

# Example:

$users = $notification->users;

# Methods

Along with Global Model methods, this model has few helper methods.

# checkReadOrNot

Check if the notification has been read by the current user.

# Usage

$isRead = $notification->checkReadOrNot();